What we do?

We believe that no one needs to be independent in order to be in control of their life.

Personal assistance is one of the services that supports independent living, but it is currently not available in Hungary. We believe in the liberating power of self-determination. Self-determination means that we make decisions about our own life. Personal assistance involves the person with a disability in an active role as an employer. Personal assistants help with the activities of daily living such as personal hygiene, eating, going to work, transportation or leisure activities, within the necessary working hours (up to 24 hours a day). Service recipients are adults with high support needs.

Freekey aims to empower people with disabilities to use this service consciously and become confident employers.

Would you like to join us?

  • I would like to ask for a personal assistant

    Personal assistance is a service by subjective right for people with disabilities who need support ...

  • I would like to be an assistant

    Anyone can be a good assistant. It is not a nursing or health care job, no professional qualification ...

  • I am a relative/ family member

    The personal assistance service supports the adult life and independence of a disabled family ...

  • I would like to be a partner/ supporter

    Our partners are professionals, state actors, market participants, NGOs, and individuals who accept ...

More contents

  • Creating a personal assistance network - Team Freekey

  • Mozgássérült emberek felnőtté válása a társadalom által teremtett keretek között A reziliencia lehetősége az életutakban - Katona Vanda

  • Personal Assistance in the Context of Disability Studies and Cultural Anthropology - Kunt Zsuzsanna

  • Self-determination Opportunities of Persons with High Support Needs - Sándor Anikó

  • A magas támogatási szükséglettel élő személyek önrendelkező élete a személyi asszisztencia tükrében - Kovács Ágnes

  • Sándor Anikó, Kunt Zsuzsanna „A »gondozás« túlélést biztosít számunkra, a »személyi asszisztencia« életet” - A Személyi Asszisztencia Szolgáltatás szakirodalmi hátterének elemző áttekintése - Szociálpolitikai Szemle 1. szám

  • Önálló Élet - Önérvényesítők tapasztalatai az önálló életvitelről - ÉFOÉSZ

  • European Network on Independent Living Personal Assistance Services in Europe - European Network on Independent Living


Articles about us